You might be thinking "well, what in the world is tabata!?" According to Cleveland Clinic, Tabata training breaks a workout down into clearly defined intervals. Usually, this is 20 seconds of go-full-force exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, with 8 cycles in each 4 minute round, and 1 minute of rest between each round. So, that's a pretty intense 20 minute circuit training all together! Believe us, 10 seconds of rest goes by VERY quickly, and our members know that it's important to breathe effectively during that rest period.
Here, at Revolution Fitness we love incorporating this training often, mixing up aerobic and strength exercises into the routine. We even like to bend the rules a bit and switch up the work-relax times.🙃
Tabata is a sure fire way to increase your heart rate in a shorter time frame, and offers several other health benefits (its a win win!)
boosts metabolism
is time-efficient
boosts aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels
increases lean muscle mass
Today, our classes are going through this spicy Tabata (see photo above)! If you're short on time, try putting together your own Tabata workout and let us know about it. Better yet, come out and try one of our Tabata sessions!